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PAM-DEF CyberArk Defender |

CyberArk PAM-DEF : CyberArk Defender Practice Tests

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Latest 2025 Updated CyberArk CyberArk Defender Syllabus
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Exam Number : PAM-DEF
Exam Name : CyberArk Defender
Vendor Name : CyberArk
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Guarantee your prosperity with PAM-DEF Exam Questions full of Premium Questions and Ans bank provides completely legitimate CyberArk CyberArk Defender Test Prep that are essential for passing the PAM-DEF test. Their aim is to help individuals enhance their PAM-DEF knowledge, memorize the Exam Questions, and ensure complete success in the exam. Obtaining PAM-DEF certification is the best choice to accelerate your position as an expert in the industry.

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PAM-DEF test Format | PAM-DEF Course Contents | PAM-DEF Course Outline | PAM-DEF test Syllabus | PAM-DEF test Objectives

Exam Specification: PAM-DEF CyberArk Defender

Exam Name: PAM-DEF CyberArk Defender
Exam Code: PAM-DEF
Exam Duration: 120 minutes
Passing Score: 70%
Exam Format: Multiple-choice
Exam Delivery: Proctored online or at a testing center

Course Outline:

1. Introduction to Privileged Access Management (PAM)
- Overview of PAM and its significance
- Introduction to CyberArk as a PAM solution
- Key concepts and terminology in PAM

2. CyberArk Architecture and Components
- Understanding the components of CyberArk infrastructure
- Deployment options and system requirements
- High availability and scalability considerations

3. CyberArk Defender Fundamentals
- Introduction to privileged accounts and credentials
- Defining privileged access policies
- Monitoring and auditing privileged activities

4. CyberArk Installation and Configuration
- Preparing the environment for CyberArk deployment
- Installing and configuring CyberArk components
- Integrating with target systems and applications

5. Privileged Account Security and Management
- Securing privileged accounts and credentials
- Password management best practices
- Session isolation and session management

6. Monitoring and Auditing Privileged Activities
- Configuring and managing auditing and logging in CyberArk
- Monitoring privileged sessions and activities
- Generating reports and alerts for privileged access

7. CyberArk Defender Operations and Troubleshooting
- Managing user access and permissions
- Handling access requests and workflow approvals
- Troubleshooting common issues and errors

Exam Objectives:

1. Demonstrate understanding of Privileged Access Management (PAM) concepts and the role of a CyberArk Defender.
2. Understand the architecture and components of CyberArk infrastructure.
3. Install, configure, and manage CyberArk components according to best practices.
4. Define and enforce privileged access policies in CyberArk.
5. Secure privileged accounts and credentials using CyberArk.
6. Monitor and audit privileged activities in CyberArk.
7. Perform operational tasks such as managing user access, handling access requests, and workflow approvals.
8. Troubleshoot common issues and errors related to CyberArk deployment and operations.

Exam Syllabus:

Section 1: Introduction to Privileged Access Management (10%)
- Overview and importance of Privileged Access Management
- Introduction to CyberArk as a PAM solution
- Key concepts and terminology in PAM

Section 2: CyberArk Architecture and Components (15%)
- Components of CyberArk infrastructure
- Deployment options and system requirements
- High availability and scalability considerations

Section 3: CyberArk Defender Fundamentals (15%)
- Privileged accounts and credentials
- Privileged access policies in CyberArk
- Monitoring and auditing privileged activities

Section 4: CyberArk Installation and Configuration (20%)
- Preparing the environment for CyberArk deployment
- Installing and configuring CyberArk components
- Integration with target systems and applications

Section 5: Privileged Account Security and Management (15%)
- Securing privileged accounts and credentials
- Password management best practices
- Session isolation and session management

Section 6: Monitoring and Auditing Privileged Activities (15%)
- Configuring and managing auditing and logging in CyberArk
- Monitoring privileged sessions and activities
- Generating reports and alerts for privileged access

Section 7: CyberArk Defender Operations and Troubleshooting (10%)
- Managing user access and permissions
- Handling access requests and workflow approvals
- Troubleshooting common issues and errors

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CyberArk Defender exam


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