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![]() Salesforce Certified-Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Designer : Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer Practice TestsPractice Tests Organized by Lee |
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Exam Number : Certified-Development-Lifecycle-and-Deployment-Designer
Exam Name : Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer
Vendor Name : Salesforce
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Exam Details for Certified Development Lifecycle and Deployment Designer:
Number of Questions: The test consists of approximately 60 multiple-choice and multiple-select questions.
Time Limit: The total time allocated for the test is 105 minutes (1 hour and 45 minutes).
Passing Score: To pass the exam, you must achieve a minimum score of 68%.
Exam Format: The test is conducted online and is proctored. You will be required to answer the questions within the allocated time frame.
Course Outline:
1. Development Lifecycle Management:
- Understand the software development lifecycle (SDLC) and its phases
- Define and implement development methodologies (e.g., Agile, Waterfall)
- Establish version control and release management processes
2. Development Lifecycle Planning:
- Analyze business requirements and define development objectives
- Create development plans and project timelines
- Identify and allocate development resources
3. Environment and Data Management:
- Set up and manage development, testing, and production environments
- Establish data management strategies and practices
- Implement data migration and data archiving processes
4. Change Set and Metadata Deployment:
- Configure and deploy change sets between environments
- Understand metadata deployment strategies and best practices
- Manage dependencies and handle deployment errors
5. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):
- Implement CI/CD processes for Salesforce development
- Utilize source-driven development with Salesforce DX
- Automate deployment tasks using tools like Salesforce CLI, Jenkins, or Azure DevOps
6. Test Automation and Quality Assurance:
- Create and execute test plans and test cases
- Implement automated testing using frameworks like Apex Test Classes or Selenium
- Monitor code coverage and ensure application quality
7. Performance and Security Testing:
- Perform performance testing and optimization
- Conduct security exams and vulnerability scans
- Implement security best practices in the development process
8. Monitoring and Troubleshooting:
- Set up monitoring and logging mechanisms for application performance
- Analyze logs and diagnose issues in the development lifecycle
- Implement troubleshooting and debugging techniques
Exam Objectives:
1. Understand the software development lifecycle and development methodologies.
2. Plan and manage the development lifecycle, including resource allocation and timelines.
3. Establish environments and data management strategies for development and testing.
4. Deploy changes and metadata between environments using change sets and best practices.
5. Implement continuous integration and continuous deployment processes for Salesforce development.
6. Create and execute test plans, including automated testing and code coverage monitoring.
7. Perform performance testing and ensure application security in the development process.
8. Monitor application performance, troubleshoot issues, and analyze logs.
Exam Syllabus:
The test syllabus covers the following topics:
1. Development Lifecycle Management
- Software development lifecycle (SDLC)
- Development methodologies (e.g., Agile, Waterfall)
- Version control and release management
2. Development Lifecycle Planning
- Business requirements analysis
- Development plans and project timelines
- Development resource allocation
3. Environment and Data Management
- Development, testing, and production environments
- Data management strategies
- Data migration and archiving
4. Change Set and Metadata Deployment
- Change set configuration and deployment
- Metadata deployment strategies and best practices
- Dependency management and error handling
5. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
- CI/CD processes for Salesforce development
- Source-driven development with Salesforce DX
- Deployment automation using Salesforce CLI, Jenkins, or Azure DevOps
6. Test Automation and Quality Assurance
- Test plan and test case creation
- Automated testing frameworks (e.g., Apex Test Classes, Selenium)
- Code coverage monitoring and application quality
7. Performance and Security Testing
- Performance testing and optimization
- Security exams and vulnerability scans
- Security best practices in development
8. Monitoring and Troubleshooting
- Monitoring and logging mechanisms
- Log analysis and issue diagnosis
- Troubleshooting and debugging techniques
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User: Noa*****![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The practice tests provided by Killexams.com are excellent. Although 76% is enough to pass the exam, I secured 92% marks in the actual CERTIFIED-DEVELOPMENT-LIFECYCLE-AND-DEPLOYMENT-DESIGNER exam, all thanks to Killexams.com. I cannot imagine using any other product for my test preparation. It is a superb product, and I highly recommend it to everyone. |
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